
'Shad/Lyoto match

I don't think the beginning of the 'Shad/Lyoto match was boring at all. To me, the first eight minutes or so was tension building and anticipation. That is what you get from professional fighters, especially from fighters who are counter-punchers/strikers. It's no different in boxing where you regularly see elite-level fights feel each other out for sometimes 2-3 rounds before either one is really willing to give in and engage too much. The whole idea is to draw the other guy into making a mistake, and not abandon your own gameplan. I could see if you had 5 full rounds of them stalking each other, but some of you were honestly calling the beginning a "snoozer" after merely a round of it? IMO, if you want fighters to come out and just start swining haymakers go watch a toughman challenge or watch the undercard bouts and you will realize why most of those guys will stay on the undercard forever, or be on local circuits within a few months.

